
Showing posts from July, 2023

The Genius Side of Jason Brailow

Jason Brailow brings a plethora of marketing experience to the table because of his lengthy career in the field. He has extensive experience in the title insurance sector, having owned and controlled one of Utah's largest firms. He also directed and produced TV commercials for a series of light-enhancing sunglasses, which served as a showcase for his creative abilities. Jason's ingenuity as a businessman resulted in the invention of Huggy Buddys, a stuffed animal for kids that comes with a microwaveable package that can be removed for extra cuddles. Huggy Buddies, which are scented with soothing oils like lavender and chamomile, are quickly adopted as favorite bedtime and naptime friends by kids of all ages. Jason Brailow went to American University in Washington, DC, to get his Master of Business Administration because he wanted to learn and grow as much as possible. In addition to his career, he is also passionate about several recreational activities, such as wakeboa